Naar Boven
Hero image Strandhotel en Strandpaviljoen Zoomers in Noordhollands Duinreservaat bij Castricum aan Zee

Opening hours

  /  Opening hours

Opening hours beach hotel

The beach hotel is open every day for hotel guests.

Check-in is every day from 15:00 and check-out is at 11:00 (late check-out is at 13:00).

The hotel can be reached by telephone on 0251 342383 or by e-mail: hotel@zoomersaanzee.nl.

Opening hours beach pavillion

The beach pavilion is open every day from 09.00.

The kitchen closes at 9pm, so you can catch that sunset.

The pavilion can be reached by telephone at: 0251-653 625 or e-mail: paviljoen@zoomersaanzee.nl.

Opening hours beach store

The store is available 24 hours a day through our online shop. Click HERE to shop directly.

The shop can be reached by e-mail: winkel@zoomersaanzee.nl.


Súúúúper large car park only 50 metres away. The rate depends on the date and time of entry.
Don’t feel like paying? At the beginning of the dunes there are parking bays where you can park for free.
Don’t forget to breathe in the fresh sea air as you walk towards the sea!


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